15 Benefits of cold shower

Cold showers involve lowering the water temperature below 60 degrees for two to three minutes at a time. Cold water immersion or ice baths, or submerging everything but your head and neck in cold water. Below are 15 benefits of cold shower; Cold showers strengthen willpower; It takes a lot of willpower to take a cold shower on a cold day. Cold shower improves emotional resilience; Cold showers strengthen your nervous system and make you more resistant to stress when you feel nervous or anxious. Cold shower reduce stress; Not only does it improve your ability to adapt to stressful situations, it also lowers uric acid levels in your blood and increases glutathione levels, thus reducing stress overall. Cold showers boost alertness; If you're brave enough to take a cold shower, you know that breathing can be difficult at first. Cold shower improves skin and hair; One of the best ways to improve your skin (and hair) is to take a cold shower. And it's free! Cold shower promote weight...